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 Building / 4857
    Re: Crashing your Lego creation safely... —Greg Howell
   (...) I'm sorry, Jeremy, but I have to commet here. Guns and Roses. really (sigh) I see this as more of a Rammstein Du Hast sort of thing. It starts out slow, but gets nice and crunchy for the impact. Marc, I think music here is important. What (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to, lugnet.general)
        Re: Crashing your Lego creation safely... —Jeremy H. Sproat
   (...) ^^^^^^ No pun intended eh? Has Shiri been taking your letters too? ;-) (...) Rammstein seems too...I dunno, techno...for a crash. G'n'R is probably too bluesy, though, too... How about Vagner? Or perhaps even Elfman? (...) What we need is a (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to, lugnet.general)
        Re: Crashing your Lego creation safely... —Steve Bliss
   (...) The Dead Milkmen? Are they still around? Geez, I haven't heard of them in about a decade or so. They're probably playing on a revival tour with the Violent Femmes and Guadalcanal Diary, eh? Steve (25 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to
        Re: Crashing your Lego creation safely... —Jeremy H. Sproat
     (...) Last I saw of them was a tape they put out a few years back. (1) It was, sadly, quite PG. Not a single unutterable word. Quite a change from the NC-17 of _Big Lizard_, the R of _Beelzebubba_, or even the PG-13 of _Bucky Fellini_. And while the (...) (25 years ago, 21-Jul-00, to
        Re: Crashing your Lego creation safely... —Steve Lane
   (...) If we're talking Milkmen, shouldn't that be Guadalcanal Dairy? Steve (24 years ago, 24-Jun-01, to

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