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Re: New web pages
Newsgroups:, lugnet.robotics
Wed, 18 Aug 1999 01:18:06 GMT
923 times
In, Robert Munafo writes:
I have put photos and descriptions of some of my models on the Internet, at:

Non-robotics folks will be most interested in the stuff at the bottom.

- Robert Munafo                  
LEGO: TC+++(8480) SW++ #+ S-- LS++ Hsp M+ A@ LM++ YB64m IC13


I like your 3 wheeled robot alot.  I saw it at The Construction Site and
thought it was very cool.

The main reason for this post is I love the model at the bottom of your page.
The proportions to scale are great and I think it is great.  I would even
suggest creating a page for it all by it self.  Where it is it kind of gets
lost and it is truly unique.

Great stuff.

Eric Kingsley

Remove ".nospam" when replying by E-mail.

The New England LEGO Users Group

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New web pages
(...) Thank you. Seperate pages -- darn good idea. Okay, I've done that! - Robert Munafo (URL) LEGO: TC+++(8480) SW++ #+ S-- LS++ Hsp M+ A@ LM++ YB64m IC13 (26 years ago, 18-Aug-99, to, lugnet.robotics)

Message is in Reply To:
  New web pages
I have put photos and descriptions of some of my models on the Internet, at: (URL) folks will be most interested in the stuff at the bottom. - Robert Munafo (URL) LEGO: TC+++(8480) SW++ #+ S-- LS++ Hsp M+ A@ LM++ YB64m IC13 (26 years ago, 18-Aug-99, to, lugnet.robotics)

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