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  Re: Space Original Creations Etc.
(...) Mostly, the judgment call is simple things like, Does this site do anything which would miff TLG and make the online community look bad? (Examples: Using the red LEGO logo on a splash page, or using the word "LEGO" in a way which causes (...) (25 years ago, 9-Aug-99, to  
  Re: Space Original Creations Etc.
I agree with everything Todd said except for the below part... (...) And PNLTC may well deserve an update. After all, it's got my cars there so it's by definition cool. But I was talking about GMLTC, not PNLTC. The real GMLTC site is not up yet. But (...) (25 years ago, 14-Aug-99, to, lugnet.trains,,
  Re: Space Original Creations Etc.
Todd, has anyone in the past been nominated or won CLSotW from their MOC's on Brickshelf? I know it's not really anyone's indivdual Website, but it does contain alot of people's wonderful creations. What are your thoughts? Eric (...) (24 years ago, 22-Apr-01, to
  Re: cool site of the week
......... hi there, I was just curious how often the cool site of the week gets polled as I only notice the last one listed was 2003.. (20 years ago, 14-Oct-04, to

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