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Re: Space Original Creations Etc.
Sun, 8 Aug 1999 18:39:55 GMT
3820 times
Rick Kujawa wrote:
How do you get on the cool lego site
of the week?  I guess you need to be nominated by someone.

here's my understanding of the procss

Anyone can nominate any site they wish. You can nominate your own. Todd
monitors the mail each week and makes a judgement call about which
nomination suggestions actually become nominations (that is, get listed
as a nominated site) Being nominated builds traffic quite a bit.

Once you're nominated, Todd again monitors the mail each week to see how
many votes come in for you. There is no mechanical voting process, Todd
basically calls it as he sees fit, and some week, you are the site...
Sites can stay "nominated" without winning for an arbitrarily long
period and may eventually be removed, again on Todd's judgement call, if
they didn't get chosen by him.

Sounds like a whim driven process. But it works surprisingly well. I am
amazed every time that I go back and look at past picks. Not every site
is one that I think is really really cool, but most of them are, and i
suspect that the majority of people think a given site is deserving,
even if not everyone does. So I think the process is working great and I
would hate to see it change. Todd's judgement is excellent.

We truly have had some amazing sites. Once GMLTC has their act together
and gets all the pictures posted there that are out there in one place
or another I expect that one to "win" handily.

I hope my creations
would qualify.  I haven't seen any as original.

It's probably not useful to go down that reasoning chain. Coolness is
determined by a lot of things. You needn't worry about needing to be
better at building, that's not what this hobby is about. (1)

1 - I can say that because I know I'm the best at building the things I
choose to specialize in, no need for votes or awards to confirm it. :-)

Larry Pieniazek
- - - Web Application Integration!
fund Lugnet(tm): Member ref: lar, 1/2 $$ to

NOTE: I have left CTP, effective 18 June 99, and my CTP email
will not work after then. Please switch to my Novera ID.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Space Original Creations Etc.
(...) Mostly, the judgment call is simple things like, Does this site do anything which would miff TLG and make the online community look bad? (Examples: Using the red LEGO logo on a splash page, or using the word "LEGO" in a way which causes (...) (26 years ago, 9-Aug-99, to  

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Space Original Creations Etc.
Thanks to everyone who has visited my site, and especially those who signed my guest book. I have had over 1400 hits in a little over a week! Does anyone know of anyone who has made any things as original as mine? (using circles and curves on a (...) (26 years ago, 8-Aug-99, to

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