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 Building / 15223
  Re: Pictures of the completed GMLTC Plummer Building model
(...) As we were building it, we would tell people the internal structure is to prevent the walls from going ( ) , as well as keeping all the floors straight and level. Since this model will probably be moved around between different Mayo Clinic (...) (20 years ago, 29-Sep-04, to, FTX)
  Re: Pictures of the completed GMLTC Plummer Building model
(...) Thanks very much for the all info and the reply, JohnG (and Steve). Again, congrats on a great accomplishment! Tan 1x2 corragated (grill) bricks....mmmmm. Lucky you! (GMLTC) Best, Jonathan (20 years ago, 30-Sep-04, to, FTX)
  Re: Pictures of the completed GMLTC Plummer Building model
(...) The corrugated bricks were from Bricklink. Go get some! <grin> JohnG, GMLTC (20 years ago, 30-Sep-04, to, FTX)

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