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More Subpar MOCs
lugnet.castle, lugnet.announce.moc,
Tue, 29 Apr 2003 14:01:34 GMT
! (details)
103 times
from the Kind of Subpar

teasie weesie:

and the folder of love:

* i had to destroy two of the earlier Provincials for these two, so i'll be
unable to do a 'group shot' without engaging in the photoshop of magical power.

* these all are inspired by jon furman's creations, but unlike him, i don't
have any sand green or sand blue bricks, so i can't really do the subtle colors
that he has.  oh well, i like these all the same.

* the green roofed one is a medieval dentist, and the blue one is a printer
(seeing as the time period is ~1600 and gutenburg (sp) made his little
invention in the 1500's.. i think.. oh well, it's a press either way).

and for anyone interested in giving feedback here's a little survey.  just "x"
the one that fits best.
I thought...
[ ] this MOC was the best I've ever seen, I would sell my house to own it.
[ ] this MOC looks juvenile and silly, I'd rather be hit with tomatoes than
look at this MOC.

The color scheme...
[ ] was masterful, the touch of a true genius
[ ] sophomoric and painful, I'd rather be tortured by a gang of mad goats than
look at those ugly colors.

The General design...
[ ] was purely inspired by the hand of God himself.
[ ] truly elaborates on what i was saying yesterday, that Lenny is a no-talent
bum who hangs around Lugnet because he has nothing better to do with his like.

The details (dentist, press)...
[ ] Amazingly portray the intentions of the modern day LEGO master, their
creativity and complexity will astound for generations to come.
[ ] Make me want to puke.

Thanks for taking the time to fill my survey, now I can really gauge how people
feel about my MOCs.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: More Subpar MOCs
(...) SNIP (...) [x]both are smaller than the provincials, which i think better reflects the much lower standard of living for the times. And cute! (...) [x] basic is good (...) [x] they both nicely reflect castle town tudor style (...) [x] Dentist: (...) (22 years ago, 29-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: More Subpar MOCs
Hi Lenny! (...) so much? (...) I like them too. You are doing a good job in this style, very nice. (...) and not only is it a press, but a color press as well! :) Seriously, I like your press. Hadn't thought of making one before, your looks good. I (...) (22 years ago, 29-Apr-03, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: More Subpar MOCs
Hi, very nice buildings ! just the right size to fit in a moc-castle. Other Buildings take to much bricks and have not the right proportions to the castles and towers. Do you have instructions or *.dat files ? But peasant hut you (...) (22 years ago, 7-May-03, to lugnet.castle)

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