Re: Satisfying my mosaic envy
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 03:33:54 GMT
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Hi John,
I really like the idea of doing a bas relief underneath a mosaic. As you
say, you can't really see the result in the photos. Perhaps if you turn off
the flash on your camera and light the mosaic with a bright light offset to
one side. You will have to hold your camera very still (or use a tripod)
because I find that camera-shake is exagerated when you aren't using the
flash (at least with my camera). I think the camera compensates for the
presumed lower lighting by slowing down the "shutter speed" (not really a
shutter in a digi-cam, but I'm not sure what the analagous term is). As
such, any movement leads to blurry photos.
Looking forward to your James Bond mosaic. Do you think that you'll be able
to get enough detail to get those four women?
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Satisfying my mosaic envy
| I've seen so many wonderful LEGO mosaics in the last year that I've been itching to do something large-scale of my own. I could never decide on a subject to put the effort into though. My new favorite thing to listen to this summer has been the (...) (22 years ago, 4-Oct-02, to, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.general) !!
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