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Re: 28 Piece, Super-Micro-Fig-Scale Star Destroyer
Newsgroups:, lugnet.starwars
Wed, 7 Apr 1999 13:31:39 GMT
986 times
On Wed, 7 Apr 1999 03:26:01 GMT, "Sproaticus" <>

In, Richard Dee writes:
I have never been able to get to grips with LDraw, so will
attempt to describe how it is built!

Has anyone figured this out well enough to put into LDraw?  I must confess
that I could not put this model together, but I would love to see the results.
My stumbling block is probably more conceptual than technical, and somewhere
in steps 1 or 2.  The rest of the instructions seem fairly straight-forward.

I tried making an LDraw file.  I'll post it to lugnet.cad.dat.  I got lost
in two places: the very bottom, and the very top.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: 28 Piece, Super-Micro-Fig-Scale Star Destroyer
Richard, "Nano-fig scale"? :-) I had an infestation of nano-figs once. I tried to swat them with my hand, but the devils entered my bloodstream and claimed squatter's rights in the glands in my brain responsible for my sense of priority. Or was that (...) (26 years ago, 7-Apr-99, to, lugnet.starwars)

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