Re: WTC Design
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 00:30:08 GMT
435 times
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In, Rick Kujawa writes:
> Does anyone know how/whom to submit a design for the WTC? My design has very
> practical safety features such as outdoor emergency escape staircases and
> collapse proof design. The scene it was filmed for was cut.
Just two questions:
#1- How practical are emergency stairs that cross each other's way? The
corners where they cross would create massive jams! Besides, they might have
to be a little wider nearer to the bootom than on top, since more people
would use them as you go down.
#2- How is it collapse-proof?
The building is lovely, I like the design very much. I am skeptical about
the stairs, though.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: WTC Design
| (...) The intersecting stairways are a result of starting two stairs on opposite sides. They could always be modified. Its the general principle thats important. Or made like a rolled up paper disc spiral with several added spirals about half way (...) (23 years ago, 29-Mar-02, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | WTC Design
| Does anyone know how/whom to submit a design for the WTC? My design has very practical safety features such as outdoor emergency escape staircases and collapse proof design. The scene it was filmed for was cut. (URL) (23 years ago, 28-Mar-02, to
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