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Re: Ogel's Secret Urban Base in Bricktopia
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 13:03:09 GMT
682 times
Hi, Brad.

Very, very nice work.  That red and black moulding is really sweet.  And I
like the red fence that curves its way through the garden.  Nice use of the
Life On Mars alien arms for the receptionist's chair.  I like the way the
birthing chamber resembles a coal furnace.  @8^)  And your storytelling...
I've become all sympathetic toward the evil Ogel now.  I just might apply
for a job at the chemical plant myself, but I doubt they'd take me - unless
I got the crack-smoking interviewer who accepted Timmy.

I'm glad you've got enough Zombie-Doze(tm) on-hand to allow you time to keep
building while raising a child.  @8^)

I didn't get a chance to comment on the recent Bricktopia Disney Store
(, so I'll do that now, too.
As ever: amazing!  Your work in arches, curves, diagonals, and colors is
unparalelled.  You're really on your way to having a distinctive style of
architecture named after you.  Turn-of-the-Millennium Hamiltonian, perhaps
they'll call it.  In particular, the display windows here look great, and
front door entry is magnificent.  I was wondering when we'd see some LEGO
Disney elements make it into your work.  I had a feeling you'd like their
picket fences.

Whenever you add new buildings to Bricktopia I take another look at all the
others while I'm at it, since they are so worthy of repeated viewings.  Keep
up the superb work.  Even, you know, if it means neglecting your wife, your
child, and your borrowed PS2.  @8^D

-The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ogel's Secret Urban Base in Bricktopia
"The Rev. Brendan Powell Smith" <> wrote in message (...) the (...) unless (...) Thanks for the nice words. I'm glad you noticed the receptionist's chair. I have been scraping to find uses (...) (23 years ago, 6-Nov-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Ogel's Secret Urban Base in Bricktopia
Ogel has set up a front company in Bricktopia to further his evil goals. Check out the innocuous building exterior of the company headquarters here: (URL) what really lurks inside the building here: (URL) here is Ogel's latest fighter, complete with (...) (23 years ago, 6-Nov-01, to lugnet.announce,,, !! 

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