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 Building / *3565 (-5)
  More Bardiel pictures added
I added a bunch of pictures of the new version of part of my ship. (URL) On the main page just scroll down to the only link available. The other links will be up as soon as I have some more time. This section of the site will have the most pictures (...) (25 years ago, 22-Feb-00, to,, lugnet.general)
  Re: New models and contest reminder for MGLM
Wow!.. Your models are intimidating again and ever..:-) X-wing and B-wing rocks, and what a nice R2 is this?..:-) Selçuk (...) (25 years ago, 4-Feb-00, to lugnet.general, lugnet.starwars,,,
  Re: My EMD SD40-2
(...) <snip> (...) bit... Crossposted to .build... it's THAT good. Modern American locomotives are lumpy. They have weird louvers, access panels, pieces of equipment protruding, doors in strange places, bulges, etc... Christopher has captured the (...) (25 years ago, 22-Feb-00, to lugnet.trains,
  Front Mission 3
I just saw that Square's Front Mission 3 (PSX) will be released on the 22nd of March here in the US! Yay!! Square is finally going to release one of their excellent Mecha Strategy games here! I saw some pics of a couple mechs, and they look really (...) (25 years ago, 22-Feb-00, to,
  Re: New pics on Marsbase
Thanks Karim! I must admit, the leg design of your Landmate "Mustang" was an inspiration. Hmm, I can see myself getting hoisted on my own petard here. Need to get those credits up soon. Can't wait to see what you've got in store for Pallas! Ben -- (...) (25 years ago, 22-Feb-00, to

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