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  Re: Most Inspiring Anime/Manga Poll
(...) You should check out some of the other Gundam mecha. It's true that many of them are heavily ornamental, but if you scour through some of the 20-odd different series, you can find more "military" looking mecha. Some of my favorites: Zeta (...) (25 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to
  Re: Updated my pages; new nanofig-scale starships
(...) diffuser (...) the (...) wire to (...) you (...) One cautionary note, when using bulbs that exceed the fixture's rated wattage, the fixture itself can overheat. Another way to get more light on a small subject, like a Lego space ship or a (...) (25 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to,
  Re: Most Inspiring Anime/Manga Poll
(...) There weren't any. There were a lot of spaceships, but no "giant robots" or other mecha. (...) Battletech "borrowed" a number of mecha from a number of sources, not just Macross (I don't remember seeing any Southern Cross/Mospaeda mecha in (...) (25 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to
  Re: Most Inspiring Anime/Manga Poll
<ramble> The first anime based show I remember watching was Star Blazers/Battleship Yamato (Though I don't remember mecha, per se.) Later I discovered Robotech and devoured every episode. Then I found Battletech, which at the time I thought was just (...) (25 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to
  Re: Updated my pages; new nanofig-scale starships
(...) Slightly more expensive (but worth it) - go to a Plastics shop and buy diffuser grid or white plastic sheet, cut it into a circle, drill a few holes around the edges and the edges of the aluminum dome, and use coathanger or other stiff wire to (...) (25 years ago, 10-Feb-00, to,

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