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Re: Blockheads: Regular People, Amazing Creations
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 15:13:52 GMT
14946 times
In lugnet.announce, Todd Lehman writes:
So I'm writing a book -- a coffee-table-style photo book with large, rich,
colorful photographs and text both biographical and narrative.  The gist of
the book is "adult LEGO enthusiasts and the amazing things they do and build
with LEGO," but it also covers offline social aspects such as events, clubs,
and gaming.  Titles under consideration include:

  Blockheads:  Regular People, Amazing Creations
  A LEGO Way of Life
  Masters of the Brick
  Artisans of Brick
  The Unsung Art of LEGO Building
  The Magic of LEGO Building

Why do I think I can write this book?  First, I love working with people
and I relate to LEGO fans.  Second, I enjoy writing and photography and I
believe I can communicate well through words and pictures.  Third, I think I
have a well-rounded understanding of the hobby.  Fourth, this feels like the
right time in my life to do this and I have a job with a flexible vacation
schedule.  Fifth and finally, I've toyed in my head with the idea of doing
something like this for several years and I'm very excited that it's finally
possible for me.
< </excerpt>

   I'm so happy to see this announcement!  As you already
   know, I have absolutely zero doubt that this project
   will be a stunning success.  Your sense of photographic
   esthetic is remarkable, and it's no coincidence that most
   of the photos on my site are the ones you took.  I'm
   looking forward to seeing what you shoot at BricksWest!

   Regarding the title: I'm still partial to "The Magic of
   Lego Building," because it seems to be the least laden
   with intra-LUGNET "smurfiness" ("Block" "Brick" etc) and
   so would have the greatest appeal.  It's also unusually
   mellifluous when spoken compared to the others.  It keeps
   the focus clearly on the brick and, if LEGO would allow
   the title, would be my vote.  But "Blockheads" has a
   sentimental, self-deprecating appeal.  ;)

   all best

Message is in Reply To:
  Blockheads: Regular People, Amazing Creations
I'm constantly amazed by all the great things people build with LEGO. Our eclectic hobby is a rich and expressive nexus of art, science, and humanity. I've often wished there were a simple way to share this amazement with people outside the hobby. (...) (22 years ago, 12-Feb-03, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.general, lugnet.books, !! 

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