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Re: Blockheads: Regular People, Amazing Creations
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 05:34:55 GMT
15091 times
In lugnet.books, Jeremy Scott writes:
Hey Todd!

Sounds awesome!

Don't forget community fads (Spiffcraft, Pods, minis, etc) community
projects (Moonbase, Medieval Market)


I can't wait to take more photos of pods.  I want to explain the whole
theory behind pods and how the whole thing evolved.

I think I took enough Moonbase photos to fill a truck.  But it never hurts
to take more.

and community slang (MOC, SNOT, BURP, etc)!

I was planning on mentioning a few of these as long as they help explain
things, but not drawing attention to them.  It's a book targeted toward the
general public and I have to restrain myself from the temptation to get too
esoteric.  But we'll see.

BTW, someone else is actually writing a book about the community from a
phenomenological standpoint...that book would be a perfect place to trace
these sorts of words back to their origins in RTL, etc.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Blockheads: Regular People, Amazing Creations
Hey Todd! Sounds awesome! Don't forget community fads (Spiffcraft, Pods, minis, etc) community projects (Moonbase, Medieval Market) and community slang (MOC, SNOT, BURP, etc)! Jeremy (22 years ago, 12-Feb-03, to lugnet.books)

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