Re: Blockheads: Regular People, Amazing Creations
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 05:34:55 GMT
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In lugnet.books, Jeremy Scott writes:
> Hey Todd!
> Sounds awesome!
> Don't forget community fads (Spiffcraft, Pods, minis, etc) community
> projects (Moonbase, Medieval Market)
I can't wait to take more photos of pods. I want to explain the whole
theory behind pods and how the whole thing evolved.
I think I took enough Moonbase photos to fill a truck. But it never hurts
to take more.
> and community slang (MOC, SNOT, BURP, etc)!
I was planning on mentioning a few of these as long as they help explain
things, but not drawing attention to them. It's a book targeted toward the
general public and I have to restrain myself from the temptation to get too
esoteric. But we'll see.
BTW, someone else is actually writing a book about the community from a
phenomenological standpoint...that book would be a perfect place to trace
these sorts of words back to their origins in RTL, etc.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Blockheads: Regular People, Amazing Creations
| Hey Todd! Sounds awesome! Don't forget community fads (Spiffcraft, Pods, minis, etc) community projects (Moonbase, Medieval Market) and community slang (MOC, SNOT, BURP, etc)! Jeremy (22 years ago, 12-Feb-03, to lugnet.books)
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