Ultimate LEGO Book - Frustration
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 22:20:35 GMT
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OK, this has been posted before, but I'll post it again: the Ultimate LEGO Book
can be frustrating.
I've got a copy of this book (actually, Kristin got it from my co-worker's wife,
who's a DK consultant, so is Krissy, but she doesn't have cool online ordering
access, it's for my mother to give to my sons for Christmas. Got all that?)
I *love* the great stuff master builders have made, even if they use tons of
hard-to-get pieces in colors we mere mortals could never obtain. There is some
seriously cool stuff, both large and small.
What is killing me is the totally clueless text that goes with these amazing
On pages 66-67, there is a 33-link chain, where each link is made of:
4 yellow 1x3 plates
2 yellow 1x1 brick with studs on the sides (see
That's 67 of those side-stud bricks! (66 plus one extra to close the last link
on the chain)
The captions next to this beautiful, artistically spiralled chain are completely
"Sections of LEGO chain link are easy to make and have many uses"
"Hinged pieces provide flexibility and mobility, as seen in this spiral"
Sorry, guys, but most people, even most AFOL, can't build this chain. And it's
not flexible - bend it a few times, it will come apart in your hands.
Argh. Great book, bad copy.
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