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 Books / *460 (-5)
  The Brick Testament invades Denmark
I am pleased to announce that not one, but two Brick Testament books have now been published in Danish, the native language of the LEGO company itself! Publisher (URL) Forlaget Vandkunsten> has now released translated versions of both (URL) The (...) (18 years ago, 7-Mar-07, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.books,,, FTX)  
  The Unofficial LEGO Builder's Guide - Sample chapter in French
I wanted to post a short note to let people know that there is now a sample chapter of (URL) The Unofficial LEGO Builder's Guide> available in French. If you're a participant on the FreeLUG website you may have already read about this, but I thought (...) (18 years ago, 16-Dec-06, to lugnet.books, FTX)
  Extreme NXT: Extending the LEGO Mindstorms NXT to the Next Level
Hi, Sorry I'm quite unused with lugnet.robotics groups and I don't know if this has been announced yet. (URL) Philo, Michael and Isabelle (philo's delightful daughter) authored a book about NXT !! Didier (18 years ago, 23-Nov-06, to lugnet.robotics.nxt, lugnet.books)
  Re: Jim Spaceborn?
(...) Since I didn't find an english version of the site, but danish is quite similar to swedish, I'll try a translation: "In the years 1983 to 1987 Frank Madsen wrote and draw three 48 page comic albums and three 24 page mini-albums with Jim (...) (18 years ago, 8-Oct-06, to lugnet.books,
  Re: Jim Spaceborn?
In German i found only 2 Books. According to the Guide its "semi funny" whatever that means. :-) (URL) (18 years ago, 22-Sep-06, to lugnet.books)

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