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  Re: Mini-fig Scale Maersk Ship...
(...) Jacob, I don't know what your asking here? But, all of the containers go on the upper deck rack thingies like in the set... Robin W (21 years ago, 16-Jun-04, to
  Re: Mini-fig Scale Maersk Ship...
(...) Robin, Like the ship--I've been working on my own with parts from three Maersk ships, a republic gunship and a RBR. I just finished it last week--it's on the NGLTC summer layout now, and it's 24 studs wide by 45 inches long. The top of the (...) (21 years ago, 15-Jun-04, to, FTX)
  Re: Mini-fig Scale Maersk Ship...
(...) Robin- Nice to see someone put the lie to the assertion that a minifig scale-up would take 8 or even 16 sets <g>. Your version certainly works! -Ted (21 years ago, 15-Jun-04, to, FTX)
  Re: Mini-fig Scale Maersk Ship...
(...) (snip) (...) I love it, Rob! I really like seeing all of the LTC containers:-) I think you should try and double the width of the ship, and stack the LTC containers 3 maybe 4 high; that way you could show off all the clubs in profile. Now (...) (21 years ago, 15-Jun-04, to, FTX)
  Re: Mini-fig Scale Maersk Ship...
(...) Looks really nice. But how do you get containers into the hold? Play well, Jacob (21 years ago, 15-Jun-04, to

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