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Re: MOC: First World War German Dreadnought: SMS Friedrich der Grosse
Newsgroups:,,, lugnet.pirates
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 21:10:30 GMT
4811 times
In, Bruce Schlickbernd writes:
I liked those WWI BB and BC with the staggered port and starboard turrets.
A great job of buiding it with Lego.


   I've always liked the wing turret concept.  The theory was
   marvelous, but in the end it wasn't nearly as marvelous as
   the American-pioneered raised-end mounting, which became
   standard by 1916 on capital ships of all nations.

Of course, my pyrates would sail in under those big guns, board it, and make
those lubbers walk the plank....

   Well, we'd just turn into the wind, that that would be the end
   of that.  ;)

   Actually, the idea of something sneaking in too small and too
   low to hit with the HG was a real fear of capital-ship builders.
   That's why the 88mm guns are there, and why the casemates are
   there too.  The British did away with these for several generations,
   but the Germans kept them.  Oh, and you did see the machineguns
   on top of the flag bridge?  They do angle *down*... would be a replay of that movie whose name escapes me, where
   the pirates take over the Coast Guard cutter just to be cut down
   on the deck by the one machinegun, a weapon they really didn't
   know about...



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MOC: First World War German Dreadnought: SMS Friedrich der Grosse
(...) I just like complex looking things - I love really old steam locomotives and find the streamlined stuff boring. (...) The Island. Peter Benchly. Michael Caine. I did just that scenario in a shared-world (very long explanation which I will (...) (23 years ago, 22-Aug-01, to,,, lugnet.pirates)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOC: First World War German Dreadnought: SMS Friedrich der Grosse
I liked those WWI BB and BC with the staggered port and starboard turrets. A great job of buiding it with Lego. Of course, my pyrates would sail in under those big guns, board it, and make those lubbers walk the plank.... :-) Bruce (...) (23 years ago, 21-Aug-01, to,,, lugnet.pirates)

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