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Re: MOC: First World War German Dreadnought: SMS Friedrich der Grosse
Newsgroups:,,, lugnet.pirates
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 20:24:07 GMT
4785 times
In, Lindsay Frederick Braun writes:

  Hi, everybody!

  I built a little boat.

As someone who's lived in this area for about 2 years now, I had to laugh at
your "worst signage" award for Washington DC. If anything, the Northern
Virginia area in general must have the worst signage in the entire country.  I
really can't stand it when you drive through an intersection that is of course
unlabeled and then on the other side the street changes its name!  And of
course the building numbers start over again.  Does that over and over again
around here.  You can drive down one road, never make a turn, and yet suddenly
you are on another road!  Believe me, you didn't set any records for getting
lost to Brickfest.  I think I've been lost much longer than that.  so this is a
warning to those thinking about Brickfest 2002!!  Put several hours into your
driving schedule for just randomly driving around Northern Virginia looking for
nonexistant or changed street signs!

And your boat was wonderful! I got several great pictures of it myself.


Message is in Reply To:
  MOC: First World War German Dreadnought: SMS Friedrich der Grosse
Hi, everybody! I built a little boat. (URL) Let me know what you think--it's old news, but I finally got a reasonable site up so I thought I should "announce." :D all best Lindsay n.b.: Followups have been set. (23 years ago, 21-Aug-01, to,, lugnet.pirates,, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general) !! 

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