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 Boats / 169 (-5)
  Re: Curved Bow
(...) I'm still a fan of using the 1x4/2x2 brick hinge to simulate the bow--I'm experimenting with four-section variable curve bows, but I don't have the construction room to build it up as I'd like (I had a 48-wide ship that was doing OK). So I've (...) (24 years ago, 27-Jul-00, to
  Continuation: HMS Queen
Phase II Construction; all turrets in situ, all decks but bow complete, and both funnels erected. I'm now reaching the point where I don't have enough room in the apartment to take a good picture of the darn thing. The polemast is only there as a (...) (24 years ago, 27-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates,  
  Re: Curved Bow
(...) of (...) The problem with that is that making a forecastle deck would be almost impossible. I still prefer the basic brick steps. (24 years ago, 26-Jul-00, to
  Curved Bow
I've found a good way to make curved bows, like on the Titanic. Take a heck of a lot of 1x2 bircks, build two walls of the same length, attach them at a 90 degree angle, then bend the wall to attach to two other walls, to make the curved walls. (I (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jul-00, to
  Re: HMS Queen
(...) No heart of oak. No sails being unfurled to the wind. No piratical crews overthrowing the oppressive taskmasters that kidnapped and enslaved them. Gray steel and black smoke. Idunno. (mind you, a great Lego project) (...) "Arrrr, ye scurvy (...) (24 years ago, 26-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates,

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