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 Boats / *610 (-10)
  Sea kayak (SNOT)
Yet another sea kayak built this past weekend: (2 URLs) This design is pure SNOT (if you don't count the tile ;-). Play well, Jacob (10 URLs) (13 years ago, 2-May-12, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)
  Sea kayak (semi-SNOTed)
Two other kayaks which got built this past weekend: (2 URLs) This time the kayaks are built partially SNOT. More kayak designs on my (URL) sea kayak page>. Suggestions for added equipment/detailing is very welcome. Play well, Jacob (8 URLs) (13 years ago, 2-May-12, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)
  Sea kayak ("classic" style)
A sea kayak built in a "classic" LEGO building style: (2 URLs) There are more models on my (URL) sea kayak page>. Play well, Jacob (10 URLs) (13 years ago, 2-May-12, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)
  Trawler in microscale
I finally got around to finalise this microscale trawler: (2 URLs) A part of the challenge I set myself while building it was to stick to "simple" pieces, which means that it in some ways is rather similar to the LEGO boats I built as a child. Play (...) (13 years ago, 1-May-12, to,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)
  Re: S. S. Lane Victory MOC
(...) Very nice and detailed work. Play well, Jacob (13 years ago, 12-Jan-12, to,
  Re: S. S. Lane Victory MOC
(...) Very nice build, Doug! I look forward to the brick version! JOHN (13 years ago, 7-Jan-12, to,, FTX)
  S. S. Lane Victory MOC
Its been along time since I posted here... lets see if I can remember how this works. Thought I would start off the new year with a new MOC post. As a volunteer aboard the museum ship S.S. Lane Victory, I thought I would try my hand at a micro-scale (...) (13 years ago, 6-Jan-12, to lugnet.announce.moc,,, lugnet.cad.ldd, FTX)  
  Captain Stubing is a fan of the LEGO Love Boat
Even Captain Stubing is a fan of the LEGO Love Boat By Gene Sloan, USA Today, June 22,2011. Remember the LEGO Love Boat we told you about a few weeks ago? (URL) of Love:'LEGO Love Boat' to be displayed in Chicago>. The largest cruise ship ever built (...) (13 years ago, 24-Jun-11, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general,, lugnet.people, FTX)  
  Dragon Boat
I've built a (URL) sailboat> from the pieces from a (URL) great flame throwing dragon>: (URL) Play well, Jacob -- (URL) Getting started with LEGO CAD on Linux> (15 years ago, 18-Sep-09, to lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX)
  Viking Shipyard
I'm working on a viking shipyard for an exhibition in Høje Tåstrup next month. (URL) The shipyard itself> is ready, so now it is time to build longships. (URL) What do you think of it? Any blatant anachronisms? Play well, Jacob -- (URL) LEGO boats> (15 years ago, 18-Sep-09, to lugnet.announce.moc,,, lugnet.vikings, FTX)  

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