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S. S. Lane Victory MOC
lugnet.announce.moc,,, lugnet.cad.ldd
Fri, 6 Jan 2012 19:02:23 GMT
74754 times
Its been along time since I posted here... lets see if I can remember how this works. Thought I would start off the new year with a new MOC post.

As a volunteer aboard the museum ship S.S. Lane Victory, I thought I would try my hand at a micro-scale model (roughly 1 stud = 10ft) of her in LDD. Got her done just in time to order a few copies before the designByME service shuts down.

Model utilizes extensive “snot” work for the hull form. Click image for link to brickshelf. Gallery will be updated with photos of the real thing once I get my order in from TLG.

Some info about the S.S. Lane Victory: Victory class merchant ship launched May 31, 1945. One of 531 hulls built, she sailed as a cargo vessel during WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War. She participated in the amphibious evacuation of Wonson and Hungnam during the Korean war, rescuing over 7000 Korean refugees in one trip.

She is currently a museum ship moored today in San Pedro, California and a memorial honoring all merchant seamen. Today the S.S. Lane Victory conducts annual summer “Victory at Sea” cruises enabling today’s generations experience what life at sea was like during the war.

Link to for more information


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: S. S. Lane Victory MOC
(...) Very nice build, Doug! I look forward to the brick version! JOHN (13 years ago, 7-Jan-12, to,, FTX)
  Re: S. S. Lane Victory MOC
(...) Very nice and detailed work. Play well, Jacob (13 years ago, 12-Jan-12, to,
  Re: S. S. Lane Victory MOC (added pictures!)
I posted this LDD MOC well over a year ago but I finally got around to taking pictures of the final product! Also attached a pic of the old girl underway for reference. (URL) click the pic for brickshelf when moderated) (URL) Enjoy, drc Some info (...) (12 years ago, 9-Mar-13, to,, FTX)  

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