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 Boats / *344 (-5)
  Re: MOC: Mini Container ship
(...) Nice work! A very solid looking ship. The assorted colour containers are a nice touch. (...) I'll look forward to those. Any chance of getting some waterline level shots, to show how you've done the hull shaping? Cheers Richie (22 years ago, 3-Dec-02, to
  MOC: Mini Container ship
I have completed a "mini" scaled model of a container ship to be used with Eric Harsbarger's Golden Gate Bridge ((URL) ) that will be on display at the Atlanta Festival of Trees next week. The ship is about 3 feet in length and is 1.5 feet at it's (...) (22 years ago, 3-Dec-02, to lugnet.announce.moc, !! 
  Re: GWLTS photos
(...) My idea is to use the blue boat hulls with playmo. motors under them. I've had one pond in a basement before...but this would be more advanced than that. I've also electric taped a motor onto one of the smaller hulls. The problem that I have (...) (22 years ago, 1-Dec-02, to,
  Re: Sea Monster Attack!
Hey Bruce, Thanks, it is nice to know that I made someone laugh out loud! At first I had a castle boat in there with a couple of men-at-arms, but I think it looks better with the modern guys. Josh (...) (22 years ago, 16-Oct-02, to
  Re: Sea Monster Attack!
Hi Jacob, Thanks for the compliments, I appreciate it! Josh (...) (22 years ago, 16-Oct-02, to

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