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  Name That Apparatus
There are several pictures on this page about a very cool demonstration of international cooperation: (URL) one of you boat-heads tell me what the big, nearly spherical object is in the right upper quadrant of this picture: (URL) Dave! (23 years ago, 3-Oct-01, to
  Re: Narrow "Dutch" buildings.
(...) Yep! That’s the one! Excellent!!!! I would have replied earlier, but I am afraid that I was so inspired by it all, that I sat and built one of the buildings (until about 1:30 in the morning!). Previously, I had bought and sold Lego on Ebay; (...) (23 years ago, 29-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
Ok just email me and I'll email you the pics. They are set to 800x600 size (nice and convienient for desk top walpapers :) ) Derek (...) (23 years ago, 29-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) EEK! Yes!!!!! If you are willing to part with those pictures and/or scan them in to the computer I would much much appreciate it!!! I have yet to design the back quarter, with the gradual slope down to the screw!! Please!! THank you!!! much (...) (23 years ago, 29-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
Hi Rick.If your looking still for good source material for your SSN project, go down to your local bookstore and pick up a copy of Tom Clancey's "SUBMARINE: A Guided Tour Of A Nuclear Warship." Its full of great illistrations and some photos as well (...) (23 years ago, 29-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) Gosh I wish I would have kept my sub, although it was crappy. It had a good conning tower, and was a basic sub idea, with only one deck. No pictures either! ~Evan :-D (23 years ago, 25-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) Neva been on a sub but it's lookin' good! -Geordan- (...) (23 years ago, 25-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) Oops, fiancee. I suppose one might argue that that extra "e" is important in some cases ... (...) LOL - no, no, nothing so scandalously entertaining! Upgraded it was, last June (2000), and everything is still wonderful :) Though she has stated (...) (23 years ago, 25-Sep-01, to,
  Re: New project: The Los Angeles Project
(...) Hi Rick, I posted a couple quick LDraw pics of the torpedo type I've been using for my WWII German S-boat ... which in turn are similar to the design that Carl used on his U-Boat. (URL) that's of some use ... -s (23 years ago, 25-Sep-01, to
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) I'd hope they weren't "Pibbers." The last thing you need is flashbacks on the tour. But no, I haven't visited Fall River--I really should. I'm not Sure Susan would be willing to humor me running hog wild over a South Dakota-class ship--I mean, (...) (23 years ago, 25-Sep-01, to,

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