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 Boats / *285 (-5)
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) I'd hope they weren't "Pibbers." The last thing you need is flashbacks on the tour. But no, I haven't visited Fall River--I really should. I'm not Sure Susan would be willing to humor me running hog wild over a South Dakota-class ship--I mean, (...) (23 years ago, 25-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) Oops - I meant Battleship *Cove* in MA. I do know the difference, I swear, honest I do. -s (sorry if this gets posted twice - my message seems to have been chomped somewhere along the line) (23 years ago, 25-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) Lindsay,My bother in law has invited me with him and his son to stay the night on a WWII sub(might be the one in Holland can't remember where it's at).His sons boy scout group do it every year:-) (...) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) Tell me you've gotten a chance to visit Battleship Row in Fall River, MA, Lindsay? If not, *when* you get permission to hang out with LEGO-types (not *if*, you may note), we'll have to take a day trip down there. Two PT boats, a battleship, (...) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Narrow "Dutch" buildings.
(...) Well it was announced here: (URL) most of the discussion about it went on in lugnet.trains so you might have missed it. Anyway it was a meeting of LEGOfans in Germany. The row of houses are build by Johannes "JoJo" Koehler. There are more (...) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,

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