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  Re: New project: The Los Angeles Project
(...) For a reference book, try Tom Clancy's "Submarine: A Guided Tour Inside a Nuclear Warship." It has been a while but i believe it has a rough deckplan. Should find it at a library or flip one in the local bookstore. Joel ===== God Bless the (...) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) Heh, did you get to hear the story about why, among the "scorecard" on the tower, there's a bus and a crane standing on a dock...? I hope one day to get to Pearl to see that, among other things; we had the _Bowfin_ book in our house when I was (...) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
Rick & All, (...) U.S.S. Missouri ship in Pearl Harbor, and it was an absolute pain for me to try to manuever in that thing! (Since I am a rather big guy) My video of the events was funny to see. But it was a great experience to see. Good luck on (...) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Cross setion of the SSN
(...) Good idea. The full model will take a boat-load (pun intended) of bricks. By the way, with all the studs on the outside this puppy is going to make a you-know-what load of noise going through the water. Lester (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,
  Re: New project: The Los Angeles Project
Here is a link that has some great info and other links to explore: (URL) Hallman" <> wrote in message (...) the (...) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to
  Cross setion of the SSN
Lookie. People who have been on a sub can comment if they want :-P (URL) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,
  Re: Narrow "Dutch" buildings.
(...) Well, it's the Titanic, it was the largest ship ever build, Kate and Leo kiss on the front deck, ships sinks, Leo dies, Kate cries, end of story... or, uhm did you mean something else... ;-) Jeroen (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,
  RE: New project: The Los Angeles Project
Rick Go here (URL) here (URL) mark 48 is actually about 2.5 decks high, of course they are stored and fired horizontally :-) They measure about 19 feet. The beam of the boat (sub) is ~33 feet with each deck about 7.5 feet apart. Of course headroom (...) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to, lugnet.general,
  Re: New project: The Los Angeles Project
(...) Hey! You forgot to stick this in .military too, we *love* to see these kinds of cool projects. :D For SSN-688s you might want to start with: (URL) ...but as these vessels are still in service, the Navy is understandably (if not entirely (...) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,
  Re: New project: The Los Angeles Project
Sweetness! i'll try and find you some stuff, look forward to seeing it! crossposted to .military cuz that's where it shoulda been! -Geordan- (...) (23 years ago, 24-Sep-01, to,

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