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 Boats / *189 (-5)
  Large and Impressive Boat
I saw this impressive boat by Pierre Lecuyer at (URL) (24 years ago, 21-Oct-00, to
  Re: Building my first real boat!
Uhm, okay, I think this project is delayed... I'm not going to build it any time soon. My current project is to build a big big tree from the Research Glider sets, with lots of pterodactyl nests! (But don't worry, this idea is stored in my "will (...) (24 years ago, 4-Oct-00, to
  Re: Building my first real boat!
(...) I've been on three houseboats, and they all looked like boxes in water. But these were rental boats, intended to be used for only 4-7 days. I'm sure the ones people live in are nicer. oh, and there were two props on the boat, one in each of (...) (24 years ago, 25-Sep-00, to
  Re: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!)
The ferry was built and almost completed about two months ago. But then one night I was transporting it to another room in my house and uhh.......the unthinkable happened. CRASH! SHLINKLE! BOOM! AHHH!!!! Yep, it fell. The feeling you get when it (...) (24 years ago, 16-Sep-00, to
  Re: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!)
Oh, wow! Great big big boat! Awesome! This is a true masterpiece, how many bricks are in there? I like the way you've included so much in the ship, like a kitchen, and a meat storage room. Even a storage room for guns! It looks just like a real (...) (24 years ago, 16-Sep-00, to

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