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 Boats / *145 (-5)
  Re: Question about Running 12v trains
(...) first (...) 4.5V (...) At the age of maybe 5 to 7 I built a paddle steamer too, but I used the red swimming hulls of set 311: (URL) I built it with a gap in the middle for the paddles shaft and placed my 103 motor avove that. (I dared to use (...) (25 years ago, 17-May-00, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Question about Running 12v trains
(...) Ben, we have _got_ to hear the story of this! I used to make paddle "steamers", using Electical tape and Lego (the tape seals the Lego up quite well...except across the bottom...) I don't have any pic's here, and I doubt there are any at (...) (25 years ago, 16-May-00, to lugnet.trains,
  Re: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!)
(...) Well, no actually. My next water project will be a ferry (Kinda like the ferries that are located in Estonia). When I built Seaborn Brick, I was hooked on the "real life scale" Type of model. I can never go back to the "six wide building" Lego (...) (25 years ago, 2-May-00, to
  Re: Cruise ship (Was: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!))
(...) Of course. That applies without saying. I was thinking more in a historic perspective, not with the recent years in mind. Fredrik (25 years ago, 29-Apr-00, to
  Cruise ship (Was: Sorry for this taking so long, but thanks for waiting!! (pictures are up!))
Fredrik: (...) Minifig scale, but with "selective compression". (...) It applies to non-technic models too, even though it probably isn't quite as difficult. (...) Mmmm. (yes) But <long complaint about juniorisation/> Play well, Jacob ---...--- -- (...) (25 years ago, 28-Apr-00, to

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