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 Belville / 58
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Re: Fairy's Bedroom + House
Sat, 8 Jan 2000 21:26:05 GMT
6939 times
In lugnet.belville, Karl Martinson writes:
Hey all, I was wondering if anybody out there had any extras of 5823 Millimy's
Bedroom and 5824 Millimy's House. I would be more than happy to pay $cash$ for
these sets.


karl ~

  why don't you just order them fron LEGO Shop At Home (S@H)? you can call
1-800-453-4652 to request a catalogue that will be mailed to you, or since
you know what you want, just go ahead and order it.(same phone #) :-)

  later ~ craig~

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Fairy's Bedroom + House
(...) Millimy's (...) for (...) Would this be the regular S@H catalogue? How much are these sets there? Has anyone ordered from it whose in Canada? Thanks, Karl (25 years ago, 8-Jan-00, to lugnet.belville)

Message is in Reply To:
  Fairy's Bedroom + House
Hey all, I was wondering if anybody out there had any extras of 5823 Millimy's Bedroom and 5824 Millimy's House. I would be more than happy to pay $cash$ for these sets. Thanks, Karl (25 years ago, 8-Jan-00, to lugnet.belville)

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