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 Aquazone / *974 (-20)
  Little Aquarium
A little home for my new friend... (URL) The Sea Monkeys are back! "Big Daddy" Nelson (18 years ago, 18-Mar-07, to lugnet.aquazone, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) !! 
  Re: 4 new MOCs with pictures.
(...) Hi, I like your streamlined models very much; I always enjoy additional models for established subthemes as I think no subtheme has deserved to be dropped after some six or seven official models :-) Regards, Florian (18 years ago, 12-Mar-07, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: Seasprite
(...) Thanks! I was hoping you would see this:-)! The layout is being done by a person with WAMALTC - he's doing a undersea layout, and it has a cave with a secret dock for a sub...and I promptly built the sub. Couldn't resist. Once I get (...) (18 years ago, 3-Feb-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Seasprite
(...) Ah... underwater sci-fi goodness. The robotic arms give it a particulalry nice touch. What layout is the sub in? It looks like a lot of work went into the background. Felix (18 years ago, 2-Feb-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: 4 new MOCs with pictures.
(...) Hi Stefan, Sorry to respond so late. It always great to see the new Aquazone creations you make. I especially love the Sea Monkey creation. Its nice to see each person's individual spin on the theme. I haven't updated the Sea Monkey site in (...) (18 years ago, 2-Feb-07, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: Seasprite
(...) Thanks! Yellow is a good color to use for this because of its brightness - yellow and dark grey for accents are a good color pairing. I've been meaning to get back into aquazone and have some more ideas, but I have some work to do:-) Joe (18 years ago, 30-Jan-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Seasprite
In lugnet.aquazone, Aaron Amatnieks wrote: (snip) (...) Thanks! The arms are very optional. I really wanted some kind of grippers for the craft, so that was the result.The arms can be rotated back and to the bottom of the craft. And yellow works (...) (18 years ago, 30-Jan-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Seasprite
(...) Thanks! This model literally built itself after I figured out the engine pods. It has a really sleek look without the arms...which can be replaced with other items. As production baseline...give me a little time:-). Got some work to do! Joe (18 years ago, 30-Jan-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Seasprite
A very nice little ship! Good to see you building aquazone again! I love the dual engines, and the sleek look of the craft. As to stealth, it isn't worth sacrificing the yellow ; ) Thanks for sharing and God Bless, Nathan (URL) (18 years ago, 30-Jan-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Seasprite
(...) <snip> (...) Nice. not a fan of the arms (seem a little out of place on such a beautiful ship), but love the sleekness and the rotatable engine rock. it's ammazing how cool yellow models can look. Aaron A PS. love the background. need to get (...) (18 years ago, 29-Jan-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Seasprite
Joe, Nice to see that the new sets are providing some inspiration for AFOL builders, and also cool to see that you've found some time to actually build:) This is a simple but sleek little craft - a little bit space, a little bit GIJoe, and of (...) (18 years ago, 29-Jan-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
It's been a while since I have done undersea models, so it seemed time to get back:-) The Seasprite (URL) Built as a response to the Sea Monkey and OGEL threat, this Alpha Team submersible is a redesign of the SeaHorse. Bascially this is a faster, (...) (18 years ago, 29-Jan-07, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.aquazone, FTX) ! 
  Re: 4 new MOCs with pictures.
(...) Good to see some aquazone MOCs! I particularly like the sea monkey one. Very creative, and takes the SMs in a nice direction. The ice planet MOC is also interesting (it's funny how many people like IP and aquazone). God Bless, Nathan BTW I (...) (18 years ago, 28-Jan-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  4 new MOCs with pictures.
Hello Aquazonians! Today I present you 4 new MOCs that I invented. The first sub is an Aquanauts model, that looks a little bit like the shuttles they used in Star Trek Voyager. I did not intend this similarity, it came while building them. The (...) (18 years ago, 14-Jan-07, to lugnet.aquazone)  
  4 new MOCs.
Hello Aquazonians! Today I present you 4 new MOCs that I invented. The first sub is an Aquanauts model, that looks a little bit like the shuttles they used in Star Trek Voyager. I did not intend this similarity, it came while building them. The (...) (18 years ago, 14-Jan-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Can someone fix the AquaRaiders database/info?
(...) Well, Peeron uses the data provided by LUGNET (whenever possible), so a fix here would automatically propagate to Peeron. (18 years ago, 6-Dec-06, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.aquazone, lugnet.general)
  Re: Can someone fix the AquaRaiders database/info?
(...) If that was true. The database on LUGNET, Brickset, BrickLink and Perron would have to change the years listed on all of the sets. In other words all the information is incorrect. And the new 2007 Star Wars sets that are in stores now or on (...) (18 years ago, 5-Dec-06, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.aquazone, lugnet.general)
  Re: Can someone fix the AquaRaiders database/info?
(...) Actually, Abner is correct -- the LUGNET Guide lists the marketing year of the set, not when it merely happened to be available. More technically, the LUGNET Guide lists the first copyright year of the set, as shown on the box and/or (...) (18 years ago, 5-Dec-06, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.aquazone, lugnet.general)
  Re: Can someone fix the AquaRaiders database/info?
(...) Normally the databse is updated with the year the set was actually available on the market, not the year LEGO had planned it to be marketed. Arne, Copenhagen (18 years ago, 5-Dec-06, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.aquazone, lugnet.general)
  Can someone fix the AquaRaiders database/info?
Can someone correct/fix the 'New' AquaRaiders listed on the LUGNET database 'Released' year should be '2007' not 2006. Just because LEGO released the series late 2006, it does not mean it is a 2006 theme. Even LEGO mention the theme is a 2007 line (...) (18 years ago, 5-Dec-06, to lugnet.admin.database, lugnet.aquazone, lugnet.general)

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