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 Aquazone / *870 (-10)
  I got lost at BrickFest PDX...
Please help me - I got lost and accidently hitched a ride back from BrickFest on Matt Chiles' roller coaster, but now I want to go home... The trouble is that I am not sure where home is - I have amnesia. Possibly I was hit with debris from a (...) (21 years ago, 24-Feb-04, to,,, lugnet.aquazone, lugnet.general,, lugnet.people) ! 
  Re: OX38 Transport
Oh! Sweet! But propellers? In space? They must be of a new kind! With such an amount of submission, it's going to be very tough for the contest Jury to find the winner.... Cheers, JP. (21 years ago, 24-Feb-04, to, lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  OX38 Transport
Check out our latest MOC from our (URL) as our entry to the P-38 contest. (2 URLs) ACPin & Sons (21 years ago, 24-Feb-04, to, lugnet.aquazone,, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)  
  Re: Because there's just not enough evil under the sea
(...) Cool Sub. I haven't checked aquazone for a while and just came across your post today. It really fits well in the stingrays theme. Keep them coming. Pat Bunn (21 years ago, 3-Feb-04, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Because there's just not enough evil under the sea
(...) Hey Adam, Cool Sub. I haven't checked aquazone for a while and just came across your post today. Your MOC fits well in the Stingray's theme. Keep them coming. Pat Bunn (21 years ago, 3-Feb-04, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Saoking Wet has been updated
As usual, if you have any interesting (non-Sea Monkey) links I can add, please let me know. (URL) (21 years ago, 23-Jan-04, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Because there's just not enough evil under the sea
Okay so it looks like people may have seen it already but I have at long last posted a new MOC to Aquazone. This was an on and off (mostly off) project for about 18 months now. But it's done yay!!!!!!! (URL) The Lurker (ha ha funny I was "lurking" (...) (21 years ago, 24-Dec-03, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: sea monkey vehicle
(...) Hi there! Very nice...the eyes gave me an idea for a amphibious craft..hmmm. Neat touch: the outside handles for SMs to latch on to. It could be an SM transport! And I like Larry's name. Good job, an that makes two additions to the Aquarium I (...) (21 years ago, 19-Dec-03, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: sea monkey vehicle
(...) "the better to see you with, my dear lost Aquanaut!" I would call it the BEM or Bug Eyed Monster but that's just me. Nice. (21 years ago, 19-Dec-03, to lugnet.aquazone)
  sea monkey vehicle
Hi all, I don't have a name for this, but I've been meaning to make a Sea Monkey creation for a long time. (URL) (21 years ago, 18-Dec-03, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.aquazone)

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