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 Aquazone / * (-20)
  Re: NO LUG
(...) LOL, is the follow-up really supposed to be going to "aquazone"??? You need more than Lake Erie to qualify, dont you??? Janey "I just posted where the followup told me to" Red Brick (14 years ago, 26-Mar-11, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: NO LUG
(...) snipped LOL, I actually like "NO LUG"... I wouldnt change it at all... however... I would like to add something new to the agenda. While I see you have your first road trip already planned (to the new LEGO store)... may I offer an other idea (...) (14 years ago, 26-Mar-11, to lugnet.aquazone)
  4 new creations
Its been awhile since I've posted an moc but i finally got around to taking pics some models that I created over the past six months or so. I wanted to start making use of my black and dark blue bricks so I've added a ShadowOps sub-theme to the (...) (14 years ago, 18-Oct-10, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.aquazone,,, lugnet.technic.bionicle)
  Re: LEGO Atlantis TV show?
(...) Already got a one-part copy on my DVR. I found out about it before it ran, so there's no way I was going to just pass on snagging a copy. Now the only question is whether they'll release it on an official DVD or if I'll have to burn my own (...) (15 years ago, 19-Jan-10, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: LEGO Atlantis TV show?
(...) Do a search on Youtube. You'll find it in 5 parts. It's not bad--covers a lot of the sets, some humor that the kids will laugh at, and there's a few things for the parents and fans. (Look at the end for the "AFOL Times").. Scott (who lives in (...) (15 years ago, 18-Jan-10, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.aquazone)
  LEGO Atlantis TV show?
I was checking for something else in the TV listings for Saturday when I noticed that Cartoon Network will be running a half hour program called "Lego Atlantis" at 9:30am. It appears to be a one-shot program with no scheduled repeats, and it has the (...) (15 years ago, 16-Jan-10, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: A simple but colorful sea diorama
Innovative and cool. I like this a lot, there seems to be food for thought and accompaniment for chips everywhere you look. Great work and God Bless, Nathan (16 years ago, 2-Oct-08, to lugnet.aquazone,, FTX)
  Re: Stingray- Aquatic Strike Mecha
(...) Nicely understated, and a very nice concept. I like the fluidity of the design, and it is great to see a sub MOC again. I'm cross posting to .aquazone to celebrate. Thanks for sharing and God Bless, Nathan (16 years ago, 2-Oct-08, to,, lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: A simple but colorful sea diorama
(...) High praise indeed, Brendan, coming from a master of biblical dioramas! "Any resemblance to actual fish, living or deep fried, is purely accidental." Dave S. (17 years ago, 28-Aug-08, to lugnet.aquazone,, FTX)
  Re: A simple but colorful sea diorama
Very nice scene. Having tried my hand at an underwater diorama myself, I appreciate the challenge, but this looks great. Very clever construction on the various fish types. -Brendan (17 years ago, 27-Aug-08, to lugnet.aquazone,, FTX)
  Re: A simple but colorful sea diorama
(...) Thanks, Dave! Any resemblance to actual fish was purely accidental, but I'm glad you saw some familiar faces! The coral was the most challenging part, especially trying to figure how to make it "branch" in a realistic way. Dave S. (17 years ago, 26-Aug-08, to lugnet.aquazone,, FTX)
  Re: A simple but colorful sea diorama
(...) This rocks my socks. You managed to get my favorite salt-water fish in there (Angelfish and Clownfish). I like the use of the clear supports to move the fish out into space. It gives the diorama a lot of depth. The colors are fantastic and (...) (17 years ago, 25-Aug-08, to lugnet.aquazone,, FTX)
  new mocs
An apartment over garage/carport from (URL) set 4886>: front: (URL) back: (URL) interior: (URL) tv, fridge, sink: (URL) sink: (2 URLs) gallery post-mod> A house made from (URL) set 4956>: front:(URL) right: (URL) left: (URL) back: (URL) 1st floor (...) (17 years ago, 29-Jul-08, to lugnet.announce.moc,,, lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
How about an aquazone version Joe? You know you want to... God Bless, Nathan (17 years ago, 19-Jun-08, to lugnet.disney, lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Nemo Nautilus
(...) Vool MOC with lots of detail esp. on the interior (which is usually not seen in lego creations). I really like the way you made the bow planes moveable!! Maybe you can find one of Richie Dulin's three masted warships to do battle with...that (...) (17 years ago, 10-Jun-08, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Nemo Nautilus
That is fantastic! Very nicely proportioned for minifig-scale and the details like the small boat that detaches are well done. (17 years ago, 10-Jun-08, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: Nemo Nautilus
Very nice! I like the scale of the interior relative to the exterior, and the overall shape of the model. Now all we need is a Mysterious Island MOC for a setting... ; ) God Bless, Nathan (17 years ago, 10-Jun-08, to lugnet.aquazone)
  Re: Outromundo: W1 - Explorer
(...) Thanks Nathan, i forgot the aquazone guys... :) LBaixinho (18 years ago, 20-May-07, to lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: Outromundo: W1 - Explorer
(...) Very, very nice! I love it. I'm crossposting this to .aquazone just to show who got there first... God Bless, Nathan (URL) (18 years ago, 20-May-07, to lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.aquazone, FTX)
  Re: The Wreck of the Estrella
(...) Once again excellent work. Been meaning to pick up a few copies of this set, now i definantly need to. Looks just like a national geographic shoot (18 years ago, 19-Apr-07, to lugnet.aquazone, FTX)

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