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Re: LEGO Atlantis TV show?
lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.aquazone
Tue, 19 Jan 2010 00:45:02 GMT
30576 times
In lugnet.mediawatch, Scott Lyttle wrote:
Do a search on Youtube.  You'll find it in 5 parts.

Already got a one-part copy on my DVR.  I found out about it before it ran, so
there's no way I was going to just pass on snagging a copy.  Now the only
question is whether they'll release it on an official DVD or if I'll have to
burn my own copy for personal use.

It's not bad--covers a lot of the sets,

I wasn't marking off a checklist, but it actually seemed like they covered a lot
more than I think they really did.  All I remember offhand from one viewing is
the Neptune, the Wreck Raider, the shark, the crab, and the squid.  They used
all three of the Atlantean minifigs, but only four of the six distinctly
identifiable humans.  The Gateway playset was sorta featured (aside from the
squid and minifigs), but in no way did it look like it was supposed to represent
a LEGO set.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO Atlantis TV show?
(...) Do a search on Youtube. You'll find it in 5 parts. It's not bad--covers a lot of the sets, some humor that the kids will laugh at, and there's a few things for the parents and fans. (Look at the end for the "AFOL Times").. Scott (who lives in (...) (15 years ago, 18-Jan-10, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.aquazone)

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