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Tw0nCo ICU FireMech 1.0 Prototype
Sat, 22 Mar 2003 04:33:37 GMT
2288 times
Greetings, Earth-Mortals!
     I'll admit I'm not a major 'mech-MOCcer.  But I had some fun, and
wanted to share my first little baby 'mech...

...Begin Transmission...
     Tw0nCo Enterprises is pleased to announce the design of an autonomous
fire-fighting unit, capable of snuffing multiple types of conflagration.
     The ICU (Incendiary Combat Unit) 1.0, now only a prototype, is designed
to operate efficiently in several gravity modes and in the vaccuum of space.
It will be especially useful in it's ability to determine whether a fire is
chemical, fuel, or plasma based and respond acoordingly with first measures.
A multiple-agent 'back' tank, now in the research phase, will allow the ICU
to completely combat 1- or 2-alarm-sized fires singlehandedly.  A
combination of legs and thrusters add to the autonomous maneuverability of
the ICU FireMech, and sophisticated programming will allow adaptation to
differing atmosphere and gravity situations.
     Tw0nCo CEO Anthony P. Alexander is expected to negotiate with Moonbase
commissioners to commence testing in an undeveloped area of Moonbase
property.  It is hoped that cooperation with Moonbase officials will yield
pleasing results, and worldwide contracts, for designs based on this
prototype.  "I'm confident that our Research and Development team will do
great things with this one.", Alexander was quoted as saying at yesterday's
NEWCON exposition.
     Press images are viewable via WorldLinc Comm Systems at:
...End Transmission...

Peace and Long Life,
Tony Alexander

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Tw0nCo ICU FireMech 1.0 Prototype
Mmm. The color scheme is wild, but the design is good. You definently have a good mech-ish feel around it. Now just try building it with one or two colors. It might be hard to find all the parts needed, but trust me, the great design of this mech (...) (22 years ago, 25-Mar-03, to

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