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NALUG announces Lego train show in Edmonton, Alberta
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Wed, 16 Aug 2000 18:20:09 GMT
6374 times
Northern Alberta Lego Users Group is pleased to announce our first public Lego
show.  We will have a Lego train layout at the Greater Edmonton Train Show
(GETS), organized by the Edmonton Mainline Model Railroad Fellowship.  You
will find us among about a dozen traditional model train displays in the
Aviation Heritage Hangar at 11410 Kingsway Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, on
Saturday September 23 from 10AM to 5PM, and Sunday September 24 from 10AM to
4PM.  If you can, please drop by to say hello, it is always great to meet
fellow AFOLs.

If anyone is interested in helping, with setup, manning the display, or
supplying MOCs, please contact me.  We are trying to keep an Alberta theme,
focusing on industries common to Alberta, such as coal, grain and petroleum,
but we are open to constructive suggestions.  Steve Chapple has resurfaced and
will add his monorails to the display.  (Yes, I know, there are no monorails
in Alberta, just a little creative freedom!)

Thanks to the guys from PNLTC for giving me the courage and inspiration to try
something like this, to everyone on Lugnet/trains for their helpful advice and
to fellow members of NALUG for their assistance.  (Even if we won't have room
for a castle or two!)

Michel Magnan

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