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Auld Dragon's Legotaku Lair Updated
lugnet.announce, lugnet.castle, lugnet.general
Mon, 31 Jan 2000 05:51:52 GMT
5100 times
Hello Everyone!

I added a couple items to my website, so please check them out.  :)
The Link is at the end of the message.

New Stuff:
~The History of Dragonia
This page is a quick rundown on what has happend over the last 1000 years in
the lands that make up Dragonia, my Lego Kingdom ruled by Auld Dragon.  I'll
add pictures for some of the events over time, but they will be infrequent as I
don't have a digital camera.

~The "Coming Soon" Section
Near the bottom of the page, I've added a small section outlining what I plan
to add in upcoming updates.

~A Counter
I actually added the counter on Friday, so it isn't as new as the other stuff.
Anyway, please go to my page to poke the counter and inflate my ego, if for no
other reason.  ;)

Old Stuff:
~My Pov-Ray Images
I actually only have one, but enjoy it nonetheless!  It is an image of my
A-Wing Fighter MOC.  If there is a lot of interest in larger images, I can put
some up.

~My Catalog Scans
I have some close-up (600dpi) images of small sections in the 2000 Catalog.

~My Castle Minifigs
Here I have p[osted images and descriptions of a lotr of my custom Castle
Minifigs.  I recently named them, so they'd stop bugging me about it.  :)  Of
course, now they're bugging me about living quarters.  Sheesh!  What do they
think I am, a god?  Oh, wait, they *do* think I am a god...  :)

Anyway, Enjoy, and Let me know what you think!


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Auld Dragon's Legotaku Lair Updated
(...) scans of good film photography work well and can even be used to create texture and atmosphere. (...) lol! i thought they were vain too, till i put one on my page! i hit 6000 a couple days after my birthday, then got listed in the webtv (...) (25 years ago, 31-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Auld Dragon's Legotaku Lair Updated
(...) Cool! I like how you showed the events leading to the current situation! I'm gonna try a brief outline of the past, maybe, 300 years - my kingdom emerged from some seafarers who decided to settle down in the new country they found. (...) Good (...) (25 years ago, 31-Jan-00, to lugnet.castle)

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