Hey everybody!
Sorry I have been so quiet lately, but I have been pretty busy with the Lego
thing! The business is really booming and getting a little crazy!
I thought I would let everybody know that I will be appearing at the Carlsbad
Village Street Faire this Sunday May 1st. It is the largest one day street fair
in the country with over 850 vendors and approximately 90,000 visitors. This is
my first time doing a fair like this and I am really excited to be a part of it.
I know a lot of you will be in the neighborhood for the Star Wars weekend at
Legoland, so if you are in the neighborhood I'd love for any of you to stop by
and check it out.
I will be having many glued Lego sculptures for sale, some you have seen before,
as well as some new ones. I will be located near the corner of Madison and Grand
Avenue in downtown Carlsbad near the Washington Mutual Bank (Grand Ave is one
block north of Carlsbad Village Drive, which exits off the I-5, 2 exits from
Cannon Road to Legoland). And, heck, if anybody here wants to buy something,
just ask for the Lugnet discount!
There is a article in todays San Diego Union Tribune about the Fair and my
appearance there. You can check it out here:
This is definitely a different direction for me, as most of what I do is
commissioned based, but the general response has been really positive! If all
goes well, I may do more of these. If nothing else, the Carlsbad Street Faire
does a second one the first Sunday in November, where They sell Christmas stuff.
Also! My new website is FINALLY up and running! This site was put together by my
good friend Aaron Sneary. He was able to do a great job bringing it to life, and
putting up with all of my silly requests! This is my website as I have always
envisioned it. There are new models as well as some you might have seen before.
It will be occasionally be updated with new models, but for the most part it is
done and ready for the general public. Let me know what you guys think. I would
love to get some feedback on it! You can see it here:
Thanks, and hope to see some of you on Sunday!
Bill Vollbrecht
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Carlsbad Street Faire and new website
| (...) Bill, the web site looks great, kudos to both you and Aaron. As for the new models, I have to say that I love the Broadway Joe football player...and the other new ones are nice as well. Good luck at the street fair! Derek (20 years ago, 28-Apr-05, to lugnet.general)
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