I've finally manage to finish and upload beta 2.
Main changes are:
Rewritten joint manager
Improved player
Improved Control manager
Rewritten 3DPreview
(faster with less memory, what would one want more :)
Improved 3DPreview properties
Improved Animation engine
Improved Export
(including last minute Pov-ray 3.5 support)
(And forthcomming L3P version support, I hope :)
You will find the full change log, here:
One drawback:
Projects made with beta 1 must be edited a bit, in LD4DModeler, before
they can be used with the same result as in Beta 1. This is because the
joints are a bit different connected to each other. Feel free to mail me
if you got problems importing your project(s)
But I think this minor problem is worth it, because now you can
correctly use parts multiple times in the same model, e.g. legs of a spider.
But enough said,
Go and look for your self, it's all here:
PS: Follow up's to lugnet.cad please
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