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 Announcements / *1256 (-5)
  US S@H Specials, Apr 25 - May 01, 2001
(URL) Stack and Learn $14.99 $ 7.50 2077 Storage Bee $ 9.99 $ 5.00 2046 Water Play w/Fishing Net $14.99 $ 7.50 System 5928 Biwing Baron $5.99 $ 4.50 6327 Turbo Champs $ 9.99 $ 4.00 6977 Arachnoid Starbase $79.99 $40.00 1822 Seaclaw 7 $19.99 $15.99 (...) (24 years ago, 25-Apr-01, to lugnet.announce.lsahs,
  Marsbase going down...
Rather than letting the site just disappear, I thought I l'd let folks know that will be down for a while. Hopefully it will only be a week or so while I move into my new house. What my connection will be is still up in the air. Once (...) (24 years ago, 24-Apr-01, to, lugnet.announce)
  Earth Day Sculpture: Globe of the Earth
A friend of mine asked me to do an Earth Day sculpture (on 24 hours notice) so I decided to build my own version of the globe that Eric Harshbarger had done a year or so ago. The results are on my page for your joyful perusal on the Sculpture page (...) (24 years ago, 23-Apr-01, to, lugnet.announce) ! 
  Now subscribe with Reply-To group or poster
Dear LUGNET News-by-Mail subscribers, I'm pleased to announce a new mail subscription feature... When you subscribe to a group by mail, you can now select whether you want to receive messages with replies directed to (a) just the poster/sender, or (...) (24 years ago, 21-Apr-01, to lugnet.admin.nntp, lugnet.robotics, lugnet.announce)  
  Distance sensor for RCX based on Sharp GP2D12
Hi all, You will here: (URL) a new interface between Sharp GP2D12 distance sensor and RCX. Simple and inexpensive circuitry, compact design, only one input port used, no external supply needed! As an application example, there is a wall-follower (...) (24 years ago, 20-Apr-01, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.robotics)  

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