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 Announcements / *1231 (-10)
  New Sculpture/Mosaic: Cleveland Indians Mascot
Right on the heels of Eric H.'s latest sculpture (and my Maven espionage plane as well)comes my latest little work, a mosaic of Chief Wahoo, the Cleveland Indians Mascot, in honor of the 100th year of the team's existance as a franchise. (URL) (24 years ago, 3-Apr-01, to, lugnet.announce, lugnet.general) !! 
  LEGO DNA Sculpture
A while back a number of 'mathematically inclined' LEGO models were posted and generated a lot of interest. Here's my contribution to such a theme: (URL) ---...--- Eric Harshbarger / / "Oh please, if (...) (24 years ago, 3-Apr-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, !! 
  More new pics of 2001 stuff
J.T. Puffins has a bunch of pictures and prices for sets scheduled for release in the upcoming months. Check this out: (URL) Harry Potter section is empty at the moment, but there are pictures and prices of 8 new dinosaur sets, 5 new racers sets (...) (24 years ago, 2-Apr-01, to lugnet.year.2001, lugnet.announce) !! 
  LDraw MOTM winner for April 2001
Well here it is, April Fools day, and I have to announce a winner to a contest. Sounds like a setup, doesn't it? But all joking aside, the winner for this month is Brad Hamilton. This is Brad's second win with his awesome architecture. Way to go (...) (24 years ago, 1-Apr-01, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.cad, ! 
  New MOC: Giant Spaceplane!
My spaceplane (which some of you may have been following in my Brickshelf folder) is complete! A full 110 studs wide and as long, this spaceplane is chock full of details. Well, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves: (URL) Lambrecht (...) (24 years ago, 1-Apr-01, to, lugnet.announce,  
  BrickDreams - An Informal Site Survey
The purpose of this survey is to assess what other AFOLs would like to see on the BrickDreams site. BrickDreams has been incredibly successful, with over 1000 first-time visitors in the first week, and I would like some community guidance before I (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce)
  US S@H Specials, Mar 27 - Apr 3, 2001
(URL) ChooChoo Train $19.99 $10.00 2864 Animal Friends $11.99 $ 6.00 System 5976 River Expedition $49.99 $25.00 Scala 3132 Emma Doll $ 7.99 $ 4.00 Bellville 5387 Beach Accessories $ 2.99 $ 1.50 Technic 8245 Robot's Revenge $29.99 $10.00 8521 Flare (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to lugnet.announce.lsahs,  
  Lego accessories for the photographer
Some of you may remember PanoBot, a Lego robotized panoramic head (Cool Lego Site of the week December 17–23, 2000) ... here are new avatars of Lego accessories for the photographer: A turntable for VR-object shooting (animation of a rotating (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.robotics)  
  next BayLUG meeting
I would like to remind everyone about the next BayLUG meeting. We will be back at the Fukaya room at the Fremont library, on March 31, from 10-4. For more info, check out the BayLUG homepage at (2 URLs) for maps/directions... Russell Clark, (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to,, lugnet.announce,
  MOC 1966 Chevelle
I've finally posted pictures of my chevelle on Brickself. (URL) features: Technic V-8 engine with rotating fan, belt driven alternator and power steering pump. Dual exhaust. Full working suspension and steering. Tilt front hood. Reclining seats. (...) (24 years ago, 28-Mar-01, to lugnet.announce) ! 

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