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 Announcements / * (-20)
  Re: Brickshelf Downloader
(...) Thank you for this. Is there any word on how long they expect to keep the site up? (7 months ago, 5-Sep-24, to lugnet.announce.brickshelf)
  Brickshelf Downloader
Reposting this from the LUGNET Reunion group on Facebook, as Tim is no longer active here... (...) Please use this tool responsibly, as Kevin's estate is paying to keep Brickshelf online for now. Steve (7 months ago, 15-Aug-24, to lugnet.announce.brickshelf)
  The #OBBCSL 'Mini Movie'!
Here it is! My friend (who works in 'the biz') got some 'studio time' booked at his shop and we set up the #OBBCSL. He set up the lighting and the screens and I set up the layout. He originally thought about 'green (...) (3 years ago, 13-Jun-22, to lugnet.announce,,,
  #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment
I had the opportunity to set up the #OBBCSL in a studio environment and get it professionally filmed today. This is a quick vid I made with my cell phone at one point. Hope you like it! Dave K (3 years ago, 5-Jun-22, to lugnet.announce,,,
  I'm doing a show!
It's been so long since I've done an actual show! I'll be setting up the #OBBCSL at the Canadian Toy Collector's Society's show! Location and time information - May 22, 2022 Etobicoke Olympium 590 Rathburn Rd. Etobicoke, (Toronto) Ontario, Canada (...) (3 years ago, 17-May-22, to lugnet.announce,,
  My Living Room Classic Space layout - Using LifeLites
I 'finished' (is it ever done?) lighting up my Classic Space Layout and decided to set it up in my living room. I took some pics and posted them on my Flickr channel - <> Also took a few vids and put them on my YouTube (...) (3 years ago, 24-Feb-22, to, lugnet.announce,,
  Re: Tabula scalata Lego
(...) That's pretty cool. There has been some work in this area in the past, at least one mosaic at Brickworld did this, several years in a row now. (4 years ago, 26-Jan-21, to lugnet.announce.moc)
  Tabula scalata Lego
I've been experimenting with some techniques to make "tabula scalata" Lego that forms different images when viewed at different angles. Here's a couple of videos: and a brief blog (...) (4 years ago, 23-Jan-21, to lugnet.announce.moc)
  LUGNET is moving servers once more
Dear LUGNET Users, after quite some time we have decided to move LUGNET to a more modern cloud-based server platform to improve bandwidth and reliability of the service. While we are aware that technology has advanced and the LUGNET discussion (...) (5 years ago, 2-May-20, to lugnet.announce)
  LEGO Display over the Family Day Weekend at the International Centre, Toronto
We will be setting up a small display at the International Centre over the Family Day Weekend-- (URL) Feb. 15th Sun., Feb. 16th Mon., Feb. 17th 10:00am – 6:00pm International Centre 6900 Airport Road Mississauga, ON I'll be bringing some sort of (...) (5 years ago, 22-Jan-20, to lugnet.announce,,
  Reptillian Space Fighter
This started as a real-life build with my son that then got embellished in LDD and rendered with bluerender. &#65279; (URL) The design is a departure from my typical "Neo-Classic-Space" builds. Its form felt much more "organic" and the (...) (6 years ago, 6-Jul-19, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX) ! 
  LUGNET experiencing minor technical issues
Hi all, as some of you may have noticed, we have upgraded LUGNET to use SSL encryption across all pages. As a downside, we are currently experiencing a couple of minor issues because some pages are getting delivered as "mixed content" (which you (...) (7 years ago, 28-Feb-18, to lugnet.announce)
  Lego Ideas "Moments In Space" Contest Entry - Cosmic Sentinel
Voting has stated today in the Lego Ideas "Moments in Space" contest. The winner may have their design turned into a promotional give-away set. My entry is the Cosmic Sentinel - a small neo-classic space scouting/fighter ship (...) (7 years ago, 9-Feb-18, to, lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.general, FTX)
Well I can announce it finally.... :-) This thread.... (URL) am writing a 9 volume LEGO Encyclopedia that involves 6 Volumes (450 pages each) on LEGO sets from day 1 of 1949 thru 2017. Most of this info for the earlier years is from my 2800 page (...) (8 years ago, 10-Apr-17, to lugnet.announce)  
  BSG MK VII viper MOC
I posted my (URL) MK II Viper> a few years back. I finally got around to doing the MK VII version in LDD and rendered in Bluerender. It is built in the ~1 stud = 1 foot scale I have built my other models to. It is slightly longer than scale, but (...) (8 years ago, 13-Mar-17, to, lugnet.announce.moc, FTX)
  Software upgrade on LUGNET server
All, we have recently upgraded the operating system of the main LUGNET server - so far we have not identified any immediate issues, but knowing that the LUGNET framework has been struck by changes in the OS in the past, please let us know if you hit (...) (9 years ago, 2-Aug-16, to lugnet.announce)  
  Working elevator
Hi! I'm working on a fully functional elevator, with working doors with no limits, hoping to build this thing pretty tall.. Atm its controlled by the power functions motors and controllers, I'm looking for any advice on how I can automate this (...) (9 years ago, 22-Mar-16, to lugnet.announce.moc)  
  HispaBrick Magazein 024
The latest issue of HispaBrick Magazine is now available. I could of course mention all of the great articles in this issue, but you can read the full announcement here: (URL) biggest reason why you should download it immediately is of course that (...) (9 years ago, 3-Feb-16, to lugnet.announce)  
  LEGO Patreon Site
Hello fellow AFOLS! My name is John Henry and I worked at LEGO ago as a designer for 5 years. You may remember a designer video I did once on the VW Camper that I worked on, not to mention a bunch of other fun Creator webtips....? Well, since (...) (9 years ago, 20-Nov-15, to lugnet.announce)
  Re: LUGNET Reunion group on Facebook
(...) Doesn't this post need its FUT set properly? No discussion in Announce! :) (9 years ago, 6-Oct-15, to lugnet.announce) ! 

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