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 Announcements / BrickShelf™ / 129
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Brickshelf Downloader
Thu, 15 Aug 2024 17:33:22 GMT
4039 times
Reposting this from the LUGNET Reunion group on Facebook, as Tim is no longer
active here...

On Facebook, Tim Courtney wrote:
I was pretty sad to read the news of Kevin Loch's passing a few weeks ago.
I'd been following him on Instagram for some time, it looked like he was
doing well, engaging in new creative pursuits, and I had wanted to reconnect.
Since I don't know the status of Brickshelf or how much longer it will be
online, I used Claude to help me write a Python script to download all of my
images to local folders. Here it is, in case any of you want to back up your
Brickshelf accounts as well.

Please use this tool responsibly, as Kevin's estate is paying to keep Brickshelf
online for now.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Brickshelf Downloader
(...) Thank you for this. Is there any word on how long they expect to keep the site up? (7 months ago, 5-Sep-24, to lugnet.announce.brickshelf)

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