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 Animation / 720
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Re: Revolutions?
Sun, 21 Mar 2004 00:36:12 GMT
5388 times
In lugnet.animation, Stefan van Zwam wrote:
   While I’d be more than interested to see such an animation, I wonder what’s the advantage over stop-motion.

Pros for stop-motion: * It looks better * It doesn’t take as much time to create 1 * You actually get to play with lego

Cons for stop-motion (the inverse of which all apply to computer animation):
  • Susceptible to camera bumps
  • Susceptible to lighting flickers if you’re not extremely careful
  • Without lots of software it can sometimes be a pain to delete that one accidental frame with your hand all over it
  • Other elements in the set are likely to be bumped and jiggled during filming if you’re not very careful (see the Dummy-Armory scene in GD:SE for an example)
  • Harder to add realistic SFX
I’m not sure I’d go so far as to say it looks better. It all depends on how much time you spend working on it (or this one). Those look a lot better than a lot of stopmotion films I’ve seen. Though...what you say about time is certainly true, depending on how perfectionistic you want to be.

I prefer computer animation because it’s much easier to do exact movements (move that arm 45 degrees over 13 frames, no problem) and the only variance in lighting, position, camera, etc is exactly what I tell it. No wiggle. Plus, certain special effects are super-easy to do (bluescreening, on-set lights, etc). One of the scenes in my current film has a gem sparkling from the sun. That would be next to impossible to do without post-prod in real stopmotion, yet for me it was as simple as adding some code to the file. Plus it was cake to get the reflection to rotate, etc.

But that’s just me. You can decide for yourself if I know what I’m talking about or am completely daft when I release the film.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Revolutions?
"Martin Humel" <> schreef in bericht (...) secs. (...) may also (...) requires 2 or (...) While I'd be more than interested to see such an animation, I wonder what's the advantage over stop-motion. (...) (21 years ago, 20-Mar-04, to lugnet.animation)

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