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Re: Studios Newbie Question
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 20:42:51 GMT
2922 times

Thanks...the split clip and delete method will work.  Maybe zooming in a
bunch on the clip will help with finer cuts.

I downloaded a freeware application called ABC Videoroll...after playing
around with it for a bit I noticed that it at least can capture video
from the LEGO cam and has more sophisticated editing tools.  I am
debating whether it would be worthwhile to learn to use this program
instead of LEGO Studios.  One big advantage is the ability to save clips
in a variety of formats...but a big disadvantage is that I cannot find
out how to do stop-motion with it.

I also downloaded the trail version of Pinnacle Systems's a
lot like LEGO Studios with a more grown-up interface.  But I didn't see
a stop-motion section for it either...I never tested to see whether it
picked up the camera signal.

I will probably stick with LEGO Studios...I hope an update does come out
soon.  My three wishes (in order) would be:

Ability to save as an uncompressed movie file of some sort
Ability to switch to 640x480 resolution (although this may slow down the
fps too much)
Finer Editing Controls

Thomas Main

Ed Mayhall wrote:

In lugnet.publish.cinema, Thomas Main writes:
I just got the LEGO Studios Moviemaker set and have been playing around with
it.  My question is, once I film a clip, how can I cut out parts that I don't
want in it?  For instance, I have some extra time at the beginning and end of
the clip...and is it possible to select a section in the middle and cut it


Remember now that this is a kiddie app and will not give high quality results.

(I dont remember the correct words for everything so I will do my best.)

Select the scene in the Movie Track.  Then move the blue tap in the scrub bar
to the area you want to cut.  So if you want to cut the first 2 seconds out you
would move it to the end of the first 2 seconds.  Then click on the button to
the right under the trashcan.  It is...clip scene or something like that.
Maybe it is split scene.  anyways....once you do this you select the piece you
do not want and trash it.

The problems I have had with this so far are hair pulling glitches. In my Ninja
Madness movie I filmed more than I needed and when I tried to cut it out the
first frame would still show when the movie played.  I tweaked with it for a
bit but ended up cutting out more than I wanted so the samurai pops onto the
screen with his horse instead of a steady walk on.  Such is life when using a
cheap program.

I hope this helps you out.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Studios Newbie Question
(...) Yes. Remember now that this is a kiddie app and will not give high quality results. (I dont remember the correct words for everything so I will do my best.) Select the scene in the Movie Track. Then move the blue tap in the scrub bar to the (...) (24 years ago, 9-Jan-01, to lugnet.animation)

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