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Sound Synching
Sat, 8 Nov 2003 05:07:30 GMT
5211 times

I am new to stop motion animation ( using legos of course ).

How do you know how many frames to shoot for audio?

I have software that lets me overlay an audio track with the video.

Do I record the audio first, then just calulate the frames per second to
know how much video to shoot to match up the audio?

Or do I shoot video first and add frames when needed?

Does the lego studio software help out any here?

Thanks for any help or direction, web sites would help also, I have looked
but cannot find anything that gives enough detail to know what successful
animators do.


__________________________________________________________________ Randy
Krakora ICQ#: 104321806 Current ICQ status: + More ways to contact me

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Sound Synching
(...) Rand, I think most of us record audio first, then shoot the video. It's much easier to coordinate movements when you know exactly how many frames you have to work with - and just adding duplicate frames here and there later will make it look (...) (21 years ago, 8-Nov-03, to lugnet.animation)

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