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Re: Real Media?
Wed, 2 Jan 2002 16:43:33 GMT
3774 times
In lugnet.publish.cinema, Richard Marchetti writes:
Hey Y'all:

I am looking for beginner advice on creating Real Media files that will play
in RealPlayer.  I don't care if it streams or not, I just want to make a
usable file.

What software is available for this purpose?  Are there any tricks or
special techniques that should be used routinely? Any misc. info. I should know?


I'm currently using Pinnacle System's PCTV Studio USB system to convert my
videos from VHS to digital format.  The set includes a USB plug-in device
that allows you to capture video from a camera.  Also supports watching
cable TV on your PC (the TV viewing window has features that allows you to
take pictures of what's on the Tube or record avi video clips).

The video editing software is great for beginners.  Pinnacle designed the
LEGO Studios software and what I'm using is similar in design and function
to that system.  The PCTV Studio sets are a little more robust though (from
what I gather) in terms of tricks that are included (fades, etc.) and output
formats available.

With the Pinnacle software you can render your finished video in RealVideo,
MPG or AVI formats. You can also adjust the settings for each of these
formats to allow for smaller file sizes (and less quality of course).  The
editing software allows you to pull in and play with any video files that
are in avi format.

Here's the page for this system at

I notice they have a trial version available for download.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the Pinnacle software.  Results of my playing
around with it the last couple of years can be found in the following
BrickShelf folder:

For 2002 however, I'm interested in checking out something new.  I'm
currently looking at Dazzle's Video Creator USB device.  The main advantage
this system has over Pinnacle's PCTV Studio is that it allows for edited
video to be recorded back to VHS Tape.  This would be great for me, since a
lot of the folks (particularly family) that I want to share my animation
with are more apt to watch something on a VCR then they are on their computer.

The Dazzle systems also support rendering video files in RealVideo and MPG

Here's the page I keep coming back to all the time for more "window shopping":

Those are a couple of things that I'm familiar with - hope it helps.  Oh
yeah, I would mention that in the case of both of these systems, they are
the "bottom of the line" video editing packages for both of these companies
and do have the USB-for-the-masses devices.  Both companies produce more
sophisticated(expensive) systems beginning with the two I'm talking about
but with a PCI connection instead of USB.


Message is in Reply To:
  Real Media?
Hey Y'all: I am looking for beginner advice on creating Real Media files that will play in RealPlayer. I don't care if it streams or not, I just want to make a usable file. What software is available for this purpose? Are there any tricks or special (...) (23 years ago, 2-Jan-02, to lugnet.animation)

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