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 Animation / *274 (-5)
  New Lego Film - a Teaser
Hi, I've made my first "polished" Lego movie and am submitting it for the pleasure of Lugnetters. It's a teaser for a longer project yet to come, and is 49 seconds in length. I haven't added any music or sound effects...I may do so later. Filesize (...) (24 years ago, 4-Jun-01, to, lugnet.general, lugnet.animation)
  Re: New film from carnage films
(...) Ya must have missed some of my other stuff and posts from around x-mas Brain Damage (URL) Brick (URL) I lost my host a month or so ago, and Brickshelf is a temp place to have my films back on the web. I dont think I should be using as much (...) (24 years ago, 1-Jun-01, to lugnet.animation,,
  Re: New film from carnage films
(...) I used Lego Studio to edit the film clips, a program called Stop Motion Animator to film each clip, and Painter 6 for the FX stuff. All in all, only 12 hours in to this one. Its finding the time and enuff room. (...) (24 years ago, 31-May-01, to lugnet.animation,
  Re: New film from carnage films
(...) Hey thsnks for pointing it out. I took a look and u r right. I used the wrong title clip, Now I must fix it. Glad u enjoyed it!!!! Robert \>>Hand of fate (...) (24 years ago, 31-May-01, to lugnet.animation,
  Re: New film from carnage films
I want to know the same! Great movie! What software do you use? Is it just a Lego Camera? How do you do this stuff? -Nathan (...) (24 years ago, 31-May-01, to lugnet.animation,

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