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  Re: Poll for new Town Sets
I appologize for the lateness of my response. I have been extremely busy lately. Ben, thanks for responding. After re-reading the posts, I felt that the timeliness of my original post may have stepped on the toes of others. Moving forward with it (...) (17 years ago, 10-Feb-08, to lugnet.ambassadors)  
  Re: Poll for new Town Sets
(...) Following on this, I am absolutely sure a yellow school bus would sell great, at least in the US! Something like (URL) this> or (URL) this>. Regular city buses could be fun as well, such as (URL) this>, (URL) this> or (URL) this>. Regular (...) (17 years ago, 30-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Star Wars Anniversary Set - Help Decide
(...) Two models! USD 150 price range - each. R2D2 + C3PO. Nothing symbolizes the Star Wars saga better than those two characters. Display scale. With sound FX. -Morten (17 years ago, 29-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: Poll for new Town Sets
(...) Scott, We posted the Star Wars poll at the request of the LEGO Star Wars designers. Each theme is created by a different group of product designers with a Design Lead. Certain themes/design leads are more willing to work with fans to gather (...) (17 years ago, 29-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: Poll for new Town Sets
(...) fixed at this time. If not, how about a gun store, reference the discussion on weapons. Or a liquor store or maybe a large movie theater. A drive in. or a very large bridge. You might want to look at all the old store displays. The directions (...) (17 years ago, 28-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors)
  Re: Poll for new Town Sets
(...) This is a big reason that LEGO has always had a hard time marketing to girls. LEGO town/city has always been too action-oriented, and that simply doesn't appeal to girls . . . at least not to the extent that action appeals to boys. Sets that (...) (17 years ago, 28-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Star Wars Anniversary Set - Help Decide
(...) or Another way to keep it under $150 is make the trench short with Technic bricks on each end so more than one of the same set can be combined end-to-end, with instructions showing how to do so. Maybe scale it (trench and ships) somewhere in (...) (17 years ago, 28-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Star Wars Anniversary Set - Help Decide
(...) Ooh, ooh, ooh! Great idea, only skip the train and the Stormies, and make it a vignette of Bounty Hunter's Row from TESB. And make sure to include the awesome Cloud City Boba Fett, with the arm/lego deco. For how popular these characters are, (...) (17 years ago, 28-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: Queen Amidala's royal starship in CHROME
(...) As cool as this would look, I don't think it would go over very well if released as a set. I got the UCS Naboo Fighter, and even with the limited number of chrome parts that were in that set, they still had a fair amount of surface scuffing. (...) (17 years ago, 28-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors, FTX)
  Re: LEGO Star Wars Anniversary Set - Help Decide
(...) (17 years ago, 28-Jan-08, to lugnet.ambassadors)

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