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Re: Does anyone have a review of 5987 Dino Research Compound?
Wed, 20 Sep 2000 03:56:45 GMT
3094 times
In lugnet.adventurers, Frank Filz writes:
I actually kind of like the airplane. Sure it's a little funny looking, but
it's a fresh design. It has a net dropper on the bottom. The lab also has a
netapult (but the All Terrain Trapper has absolutely the best "action" feature
of the series - the netapult which is fired by ramming the target). It's also
nifty getting that Belville base brick in standard green (too bad the small
section across the river isn't the quarter circle piece which fills out the
square of the larger base brick). The zip line is sort of neat and almost
works (actually, it's supposed to be a tram like thing, the base has machinery
to run the tram). The little crane is kind of nice also (both of these pieces
of machinery are detailed with guages and controlls).


Does anyone know what the little black "smokestack" things in this set are
supposed to be?  They're made of 2 1x1 round bricks and then the "hose nozzle"
piece (I don't know the official name) is on top of that.  There appear to be
3 of them, one on top of the tram machinery, one on the crane and one on the
thing next to the crane (a scale perhaps?).  So what are they?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Does anyone have a review of 5987 Dino Research Compound?
(...) feature (...) machinery (...) Hmm, not sure what that 3rd thing is. The tram and crane are obviously steam powered, thus the smokestack. Frank (24 years ago, 20-Sep-00, to lugnet.adventurers,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Does anyone have a review of 5987 Dino Research Compound?
(...) have (...) Good set. I bought one way back in the spring from S@H, and just bought two more during K-Mart's BOGO 50% off sale. One thing which may not be totaly obvious - those 2x2x3 brown columns are NOT one piece, they are 3 brown 2x2 (...) (24 years ago, 20-Sep-00, to lugnet.adventurers,

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