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Re: Lavender Brick Society
lugnet.admin.suggestions,,, lugnet.people,
Thu, 16 Sep 2004 20:07:16 GMT
12866 times
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Bruce Schlickbernd wrote:
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Alfred Speredelozzi wrote:
In lugnet.admin.suggestions, Edward Welsh wrote:
I've been kicking an idea around for a while, and I wanted to put it out to the
community:  I'd like to start an organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgendered (LGBT) AFOLs.  A lavender brick society, if you like.  >

Wow, lots of controversy here, Teddy!  I think this thread has really brought
out the homophobic in many AFOLs.

I've only followed this thread loosely, but I don't recall a single homophobic
response.  I don't have a single problem with gays, but I don't see the need for
a gay Lego sub-division any more than any other sub-division you wish to define
based on non-Lego related activities, and that's pretty much the response that
others have made.  Everything else gets thrown into off-topic, where there have
been discussion about gays before, and will no doubt happen again.  If it is
on-topic (i,e, about Lego) then if you want to build a ranch-house with two
women and only one bedroom in the layout, that would still go into Town, and if
you wanted to do the same with two men in a 11th century keep, that would go in


Nicely put Bruce.
  Let me put it this way.  I go to Brickfest and I see 280 lego enthusist.
Who's gay and who's not.  Hey is that chick straight or a lesbian?  Hey, that
guy over there kinda looks gay but I'm sure the hell not going to go over and
ask him.  Do you have any idea the kind of "guts" (not first choice of words) it
takes Teddy to even bring this up.  Think about it.  and if someone wants to
start a black group or a religious or a short people group let them.  What harm
will it do you.  Do you think that just because we might occasionally chat on
the lavender post that we'll never use any of the other chat sites again.  It's
not like we're leaving for good.  We just want someplace to call home.  Teddy,
Major Kudo's man.  I hope they give it to you.  And I hope the first person who
wants a black posting gets theirs too.  Years ago I pulled up Ed Boxer's web
site (do you remember the castle?) and if you went into his other personal
photo's for other hobbies and pictures of family and friends you found out he
had a "significant other". I met Ed completely by chance and we've been good
friends since.  It would be so much easier if I could just go into a chat group
and know we're all playing on the same side of the fence. I certainly can't ask
it in general discussion, and sorry, I don't have the time to pull up everyones

Signed, a gay lego atheist who builds cathedrals

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Lavender Brick Society
(...) Hey, who let an atheist into OT.Debate?!? Dave! (20 years ago, 16-Sep-04, to
  Re: Lavender Brick Society
(...) Lots of people have said they are gay here on lugnet - doesn't seem to be a big deal. Of course, I suppose I'm used to my old home town of Long Beach, California, which had a greater density of gays than San Francisco (or did - don't keep up (...) (20 years ago, 16-Sep-04, to lugnet.admin.suggestions,,, lugnet.people,
  Re: Lavender Brick Society
(...) I was at Brickfest and none of those questions ever went through my mind. Maybe you and I go to Brickfest for different reasons. jt (20 years ago, 16-Sep-04, to lugnet.admin.suggestions,,, lugnet.people,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lavender Brick Society
(...) I've only followed this thread loosely, but I don't recall a single homophobic response. I don't have a single problem with gays, but I don't see the need for a gay Lego sub-division any more than any other sub-division you wish to define (...) (20 years ago, 16-Sep-04, to lugnet.admin.suggestions,,, lugnet.people,

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